Municipal Infrastructure
It is our joy to partner with communities throughout BC and beyond. In honouring the history, building on the unique qualities of the land and infrastructure, and harnessing future potential, we have partnered with First Nations communities and local governments to deliver successful civil engineering services for years.
Sanitary Main installation
Residential sanitary main collection
Stormwater infiltration
Resident in Chilliwack
Water main Installation
Leqamel First Nation
Guide Engineering has been retained by Leqamel Development Corporation to provide Municipal Engineering services for their rapid housing project. As part of this project, we have designed a water main which services the residents of this development.
Water Course Redirection
A2Z Development
With collaboration with Diamond Head Consulting, we have redirected a class A fish bearing creek within Tzeachton First Nation Lands for increasing the yield of development and also protection of the fish habbitat.
Stormwater Attenuation
Nutriva Food
As part of the storm water management bylaw and requirements of City of Abbotsford, Guide Engineering was retained by Nutriva Group to provide the engineering solution to address the storm water issue of the property.
Culvert Design , Road Design
Ambstep Homes
Guide Engineering staff has completed the design and construction inspection of a culvert for access to sub division across a fish bearing watercourse on Skowkale Land in Chilliwack, BC